Mind your own Beeswax!

“Mind your own business” is a common english saying which asks for a respect of other people’s privacy. It can mean that a person should stop meddling in what does not concern that person, attend personal affairs of others instead of your own, etc. Its initialism is MYOB.

But everyone who sews must own some BEESWAX.  It is used for strengthening and conditioning your threads before you hand sew.  I totally forgot about it until I read a post this morning on the internet.  I decided that I must “pay it forward” with this simple advice tip.    I remember a teacher at festival last year had us use BEESWAX before sewing the binding on a book we made.  Here are some photos of my art journal cover that I made.  The red embroidery thread was waxed before we used it.



This is my finished art journal.



Now I must go hunt down my BEESWAX.  (mind your own)  HA…

One thought on “Mind your own Beeswax!

  1. Wonderful! MYOB. Dipping screws in beeswax makes them turn easier too.

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